Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Five Reasons to Love Summer

Summer is beautiful, is it not? As we humanoids in the Northern Hemisphere plunge into yet another summer, I’m reminded again of how much I love this season. I could talk forever about the reasons I love summer, but let’s touch on the highlights. 

Bugs! Do you love ant infestations? Do you love hornets buzzing around your windows and spiders crawling across your floors? Do you love accidentally eating a mosquito when you open your mouth to say something? Then summer is the perfect season for you. Plus, you get ticks thrown in as an added bonus. And who doesn’t like the thought of getting Lyme Disease? 

Heat! Why go for the comfortable 60-70°F range when you could ramp it up to 90°F? Or better yet, round that figure to 100°F. After all, 100 dollars is better than 70 dollars, so why shouldn’t the same principle apply to temperature? I just love turning into a slippery sweat monster when I go out for my twice-daily walks. There’s nothing like that feeling of impending death by suffocation to get your heart pumping. 

Dehydration! Tired of chapped lips and goosebumps? Not to fear. Now you get to enjoy a lovely dehydration headache, courtesy of summer! Rest assured, this headache won’t go away no matter how much you drink because you live in a literal oven now. Fortunately, you’ll still need to use your actual oven to cook meals, so your kitchen will remain extra cozy and warm. Isn’t that so nice? 

Sunlight! Do you have sensitive eyes? Are you unable to wear sunglasses over your regular glasses? Then you’ll just love the direct sunlight burning holes in your retinas. This gives you the added benefit of squinty, watery eyes. People will see that you’re crying and will naturally assume that you are a soft-hearted person. You’ll blend in way better and make lots of friends! Also, you might get sunburns, and we all know those are loads of fun! I, personally, don’t burn very badly, and I’ve always felt like I’m missing out on something wonderful. *sad face* But maybe this summer will be my lucky summer. 

Thunderstorms! Do you enjoy getting struck by lightning? Do you like worrying about power loss and food shortages? Do you relish the thought of flash floods and downed trees? Are you sick of the gentle, soothing spring rains? Then look no further, because summer is thunderstorm season. I’m at least 100% sure that lightning struck somewhere a few miles away from my house last night. But I’m trying not to be too disappointed, because there’s still a chance it will strike closer next time. Also, added bonus—you might get a lovely hailstorm or two that promise to trash your car and/or your face. And let’s not forget the potential tornado threat that comes with these bad boys. So rest assured, your anxiety will be in good hands this summer. 

I could spend hours talking about how much I love this season, but I’m sure all this positivity is starting to bore you, so I’ll just leave you to think about your own favorite aspects of summer. 

What about you, my little coffee beans? What are some reasons, sarcastic or serious, that you like summer? What’s your favorite season? Do you like thunderstorms?


  1. I do love summer, but I can do without the ants that try to get in my house and the chipmunk that is burrowing. But in general I love the good weather, being outside more, my vegetable garden, and flowers, and walking a lot.

    1. :) I"m glad you enjoy summer. But yeah, ants are frustrating. Our old apartment had a really bad ant problem. Vegetable gardens are fun, and it is fun to be able to spend more time sitting outside and walking. :)

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  2. I personally enjoy thunderstorms, as long as they aren't too intense (though I can totally see why you wouldn't like them).

    I agree with your assessment of the heat. Summer is not my favorite season for that reason--I would probably pick Fall or Winter.

    I absolutely loved this post! I'm glad I'm not the only person who doesn't have a near love affair with summertime.

    1. I do like a good strong rainstorm because it's cozy, and I can understand why people like thunderstorms. I'm glad you're able to enjoy them. :)

      I would definitely pick fall and spring over summer, any day. I used to really like the heat, but I guess I've changed. :P

      Aww, thank you! I love the way you put that. And I, too, am glad I'm not alone in my opinion. :P

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  3. Wow, American summers seem quite :/ xDD I had to convert the Fahrenheit to Celsuis and woooah. That's some crazy weather there!

    Meanwhile, in Ireland. We get a bit of rain during summer because who doesn't love summer rain, amiriteeee? However, I do enjoy the fact that it's warmer. Yaaay.

    1. They are. *distant sobbing* It is indeed. For years I've been wanting to move somewhere in the UK or thereabouts so I can experience more reasonable summers. :P

      Summer rain is the best! Rain is just the best in general. :D But warmer can be nice, as long as it's not excessively warmer. :P

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  4. Yes, yes, YES!! Your first four points are pretty much EXACTLY what I think of summer. I don't usually get summer thunderstorms in California, but I can imagine that that would be VERY fun. Especially the tornado threat - exactly the kind of excitement everyone needs!

    I think the only thing I genuinely love about summer (other than not waking up early in the morning for school) is that there are suddenly TONS of flowers, and they're all so bright and colorful!

    1. True, I'd forgotten California doesn't get a lot of those. But that's probably a good thing because you have enough summer problems to deal with there. Just imagine if you had a tornado and a wildfire in the same area. Such fun.

      Flowers are definitely a bright spot in summer (and spring). :D

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  5. Your brand of positivity is my brand of positivity. I'm seriously dreading leaving doors open for long periods of time (read as: more than five seconds) because I'm afraid that bugs will get in. And I have spent many an hour chasing down these terrible beasts that enter my house. But the heat is worse than usual and the rain is worse than usual, so yeah, I have that to be excited about, too. XD

    You just sing my song.

    1. 'Tis a most excellent brand of positivity. *nods sagely* Ugh, me too. I want to air out the house because it's so much nicer to breathe fresh air, but no. Just no. I haven't had trouble with wasps in this new apartment, but there were so. many. wasps in the other apartment, plus a serious ant infestation, so that was no fun. I don't so much mind the rain (when it comes without the thunder), but yeah, the heat is gross. It gives me migraines, so I've had to limit my exercising outside, which irks me. I just love summer. *glares at sun* *moves to Greenland*

      It is a good song. XD

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  6. THANK YOU! SOMEONE ELSE SHARES MY HATRED FOR SUMMER! All of this is so much yes. I can't stand summer. I hate the heat and the bugs and the dehydration. I constantly feel like the life is being sucked out of me this season. I miss fall. So much. XD I want to wear jeans and not sweat and I want all the bugs to DIE! Thank you for this post. Thank you. It touched me somewhere deep inside. XD I'm sicking of the lovesick talk about summer because I so do not relate.

    1. YES. *aggressively high fives you* Summer is so frustrating. The heat and bugs and dehydration are definitely no fun. * nods* Fall is the best, and I'm always wishing summer away so I can get to fall again. You're welcome, a thousand times over. :P

      Thank you for commenting! :)

  7. LOL, THIS IS AWESOME!!! I don't necessarily hate summer, but these things are a definite problem in my life once that season comes around (except thunderstorms don't bother me unless they're really, really bad). Especially that first one. *shudders* Bugs. I hate them.


    1. Aww, thank you! :) Summer is definitely not the most fun season for a lot of people. :P (I'm glad thunderstorms don't bother you, because there are a lot in Virginia. :P We've had one almost every day for the past week.) Bugs are annoying. *nods*

      Thank you for commenting! :)

  8. Ugh! I hate it, too! Actually wrote a post similar to this one - I didn't think of trying to make it out like I loved it, you are a genius - recently. :)

    1. *high fives you* Aww, thank you! I will definitely have to read your post!

      Thank you for commenting! :)

  9. :) (I remember having monsoon season in Africa, so I can relate. :P) You should totally do your own version--I'd love to read it. :)

    Thank you for commenting! :)
