Friday, April 1, 2016

Tired Brain

This post is going to be super short because I just wanted to give you a quick update. I’ve been behind on commenting on other blogs and answering comments on mine. I’ve also been behind on reviewing books on Goodreads. And I’ve been trying to pretend it’s not a problem and that I’m just busy, but the truth is, my brain is really tired, and it’s having trouble keeping up. So, for the month of April, I’ve decided to take a bit of a break and only post on Wednesdays. My goal for April is to catch up on reading other blogs, answering comments, and editing. I really want to prioritize finishing the final draft of DRACONIAN so I can (hopefully) be ready to start querying agents in May. And as much as I love blogging, with my current level of brain power, I need to cut back on something.

I’m sorry if this is disappointing for you. I promise that I’ll get back to blogging at least twice a week come May, and my posts will be all the better for it. But right now I’m really looking forward to a mini vacation, and since a lot of you are going to be participating in Camp NaNoWriMo anyway, I think this will work out for the best. So, with that said, I’ll see you on Wednesday.

What about you, my little coffee beans? What are your plans for April? Are you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo? 


  1. Definitely take a break if that's what you need to do! Everybody needs to recharge. If you're running on empty, then you can't keep pouring out. (That does make sense, right?) We understand (or I do).

    I hope everything goes well. And I hope finishing your first draft goes awesome too! :D

    1. :) Thank you for being so understanding. (And that totally makes sense.)

      Thank you! :D

  2. Take care of yourself, Liz! Burnt coffee doesn't taste good, so burnt writers probably don't taste--I mean write--well. :P

    I'm doing Camp NaNo, but I'm only shooting for 15,000 words. There are just too many exams and papers and such going on in April and early May.

    1. I'll try! :P I like your logic. *nods approvingly*

      I hope you reached your goal despite having exams and papers. :)

  3. *stomps off* How DARE you, Liz? How dare you take time off for yourself and recharge to make your writing, blogging and general life better? It's much better to push through, get burned out and end up having issues later down the road. (Then you have to take a gap year in order to recover... Yeah, I've been there before.)

    All joking aside, have a great break, do some writing, enjoy yourself, recharge and be awesome.

    I'm doing NaNo for the first time ever, and I'm super excited. (Although I haven't done my word count for today yet, so I may be less excited in an hour or two.) There's lots of science involved, so I've been researching quantum physics furiously for the past few weeks.

    1. I know. The nerve of me. *has small meltdown*

      :P Thank you! Your comment made me laugh. :)

      I hope you had fun doing NaNo! That's super exciting. :D Quantum physics? Already your project sounds really interesting. *peeks over your shoulder as you write*

  4. Aw, I'll miss your posts, but cutting back to a post a week sounds like it will be for the best.

    I'm giving Camp NaNo a pass this April, which is kind of sad because I've really enjoyed it the last few years :)

    1. Aw, that warms my cold dark heart. :P

      :( Sorry you have to skip it this April. Hopefully next year you'll be able to participate again.

  5. I'll miss your posts, but I get that. XD I'm going to have to take some week at a time hiatuses in the summer, because I simply won't have time to write posts on those weeks. Have a good rest, good luck editing, and see you next month!

    1. Aw, you're so sweet. :) I'll miss your posts during the summer (not that I'm caught up yet--sorry about that). Thank you!

  6. Awwww enjoy your break! We all need it sometimes, and that's the best cure for a tired brain.

    1. Thank you! You speak wise words of wisdom. :P

  7. I'm going to miss you while you're on your break. But it's definitely for the best if you're feeling burnt out. Blogging can just be one thing too many sometimes, can't it? Have awonderful break, rest and recharge, and we'll all enjoy hearing from you once a week until you return full strength.

    1. Aww, I missed you too. :( It certainly can. I underestimated how much of a break I was going to need, as well. Thank you for being so understanding. :)

  8. I totally understand! Have an awesome break! <3

